AidData’s team of economists, political scientists, computational geographers, software engineers, program evaluators, policy analysts, and media and communications professionals has a track record of successfully managing more than 140 grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements worth more than $85 million over the last 20 years.
AidData’s leadership team collectively brings a century of thought leadership to research programs on foreign policy and international development.

Our Staff

Ameya Joshi
Program Manager

Ana Horigoshi
Research Scientist

Asad Sami
Senior Program Manager

Brook Lautenslager
Deputy Director for Data Analytics and Technology Solutions
Bryan Burgess
Senior Policy Specialist

Divya Mathew
Senior Policy Specialist

Dong Luo
Postdoctoral Fellow

Emma Bury
Associate Program Manager

Jacob Hall
Data Analyst

Jacqueline Zimmerman
Associate Program Manager

Jessica Wells
Research Scientist

John Custer
Deputy Director, Communications and Data Analytics

Jonathan A. Solis
Research Scientist

Julie Sickell
Program Manager

Katherine Nolan
Research Scientist

Katherine Walsh
Senior Program Manager

Kelsey Marshall
Program Manager

Kunwar Singh
Senior Geospatial Scientist

Lea Thome
Program Manager

Lydia Vlasto
Program Manager
Monica Maher
Senior Partnerships Associate

Nara Sritharan
Visiting Assistant Research Professor

Oshin Pandey
Associate Program Manager
Pratap Khattri
Junior Data Analyst

Rachel Sayers
Research Scientist

Rodney Knight
Senior Research Scientist

Rory Fedorochko
Program Manager

Sailor Miao
Associate Program Manager
Samuel Gruber
Communications Associate
Sara Sayedi
Postdoctoral Fellow
Sarina Patterson
Communications Manager

Seth Goodman
Research Scientist
Sethu Nguna
Training and Instructional Design Manager

Sheng Zhang
Research Analyst
Wanqi (Angie) Zhu
Junior Data Analyst

Yuntian Bi
Geospatial Analyst
External Authors of AidData Papers
Alex Braithwaite
Associate Professor of International Relations at the University of Arizona
Andreas Fuchs
Professor of Development Economics at the University of Goettingen
Andrew Horowitz
Professor of Economics at the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas
Arilton Teixeira
Director of FUCAPE Business School
Austin Strange
Assistant Professor, University of Hong Kong
Axel Dreher
Professor of Economics and Chair of International and Development Politics at Heidelberg University
Brigitte Seim
Assistant Professor of Public Policy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Carrie Dolan
Assistant Professor of Kinesiology and Health Sciences at the College of William & Mary
Charles Becker
Research Professor of Economics at Duke University
Christopher Kilby
Associate Professor of Economics at the Villanova School of Business at Villanova University
Dan Nielson
Professor and Associate Chair of Political Science at Brigham Young University
Daniel Miller
Assistant Professor of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Daniel Strandow
PhD candidate at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University
Darren Hawkins
Professor of Political Science at Brigham Young University
David Lobell
Professor in Earth Systems Science at Stanford University
Elizabeth Carlson
Assistant Professor in Political Science and the Program on African Studies at Pennsylvania State University
Erasmus Kersting
Assistant Professor of Economics at Villanova University
Erik Wibbels
Professor of Political Science at Duke University
Gordon McCord
Assistant Professor of Economics at the School of Global Policy & Strategy at the University of California, San Diego
Helen Milner
B. C. Forbes Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Princeton University
Henrik Urdal
Director of the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
John Swaddle
Professor of Biology at the College of William & Mary
Joseph Wright
Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science at Pennsylvania State University
Joseph Young
Associate Professor at the School of Public Affairs and School of International Service at American University
Karen Grépin
Associate Professor of Health Sciences at Wilfrid Laurier University
Kate Baldwin
Assistant Professor of Political Science at Yale University
Katharina Michaelowa
Professor of Political Economy and Development at the University of Zurich
Kenneth Lee
Executive Director of the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago in India (EPIC-India)
Kosuke Imai
Professor in the Department of Politics and the Center for Statistics and Machine Learning at Princeton University
Lisa Mueller
Assistant Professor of Political Science at Macalester College
Marco Millones Mayer
Assistant Professor of Geography at the University of Mary Washington
Mark Buntaine
Assistant Professor at the Bren School of Environmental Science & Management and the Department of Political Science at the University of California at Santa Barbara
Marshall Burke
Assistant Professor of Earth System Science at Stanford University
Matthew Winters
Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Michael Walker
PhD candidate in Economics at the University of California, Berkeley
Mike Findley
Assistant Professor of Government at the University of Texas at Austin
Mike Tierney
Co-Director of the Global Research Institute and Hylton Professor of Government and International Relations at the College of William & Mary
Philip Roessler
Assistant Professor and Director of the Center for African Development (CAD) at the College of William & Mary
Rema Hanna
Associate Professor of Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School
Richard Bluhm
Assistant Professor at the Hannover Institute of Macroeconomics at Leibniz University
Rob Blair
Joukowsky Family Assistant Professor of Political Science and International and Public Affairs at Brown University
Rob Hicks
Professor of Economics at the College of William & Mary
Roland Hodler
Professor of Economics at the University of Lucerne
Ryan Jablonski
Assistant Professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science
Samuel Brazys
Associate Professor at the School of Politics and International Relations at University College Dublin
Scott Ickes
Assistant Professor of Health Services at the University of Washington School of Public Health
Simone Dietrich
Associate Professor of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Geneva in Switzerland
Siri Aas Rustad
Senior Researcher at the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
Sven Wilson
Professor of Political Science at Brigham Young University
Timmons Roberts
Ittleson Professor of Environmental Studies and Sociology at Brown University
Victoria Fan
Visiting Fellow at the Center for Global Development