Daniel Strandow

PhD candidate at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University

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Daniel Strandow is a PhD candidate at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University. At the University of Texas at Austin he is currently a pre-doctoral fellow with the Strauss Center CCAPS program and a research fellow and lecturer at the European Union Center of Excellence. Mr. Strandow's research interests include how foreign aid going to areas of varying territorial dominance can influence warring parties’ ability and will to kill opponents. Theoretically these interests are pursued from a rational choice as well as a systemic approach. Empirically Strandow and colleagues are mapping territorial dominance in Africa South of the Sahara. Mr. Strandow was a pioneer of systematically geocoding foreign aid projects. His work has supported geo-coding efforts at the World Bank, USAID, African Development Bank, International Aid Transparency Initiative, the AidData Center for Development Policy, and others.


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