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China's Investments in Critical Minerals


This dataset tracks $56.9 billion in Chinese official sector financial commitments for transition mineral extraction and processing operations in developing countries from 2000 to 2021.

Geocoded Global China Data


This dataset provides geospatial features representing the locations of project activities for a subset of the 3.0 version of AidData’s Global Chinese Development Finance (GCDF) dataset.

China's Investments in the Philippines


This dataset consolidates information gathered from multiple sources to quantify the money, relationships, and outcomes of two decades of Beijing’s financing for development in the Philippines. It tracks $9.1 billion of China's state-directed financing for more than 200 development projects from 2000-2022.

U.S.-Tanzania Financial Flows


This dataset provides a consolidation of information gathered from multiple sources to quantify the financial flow of benefits from the U.S. to Tanzania.

Leader Perceptions of China's BRI


This dataset contains results from AidData's "BRI Perceptions Survey," the first to systematically capture perceptions of China's Belt and Road Initiative from leaders who make and shape development policy across the Global South. It provides weighted aggregate results globally for selected questions and with limited disaggregation across 5 geographic regions and autocracies versus democracies.

U.S. Financial Flows to the Indo-Pacific


This dataset estimates the value of the U.S.'s economic partnership with 46 economies in the Indo-Pacific region, tracking more than $24 trillion in economic engagement from 2012-2022. The dataset captures flows from both the U.S. government and the U.S. private sector, plus variables for sectors of interest like health, education, infrastructure, environment/climate, and technology.

Global China Data


The China AI Exports Database (CAIED) tracks Chinese government-supported development finance projects that utilized or enabled Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology in the Global South between 2000 and 2017. The dataset captures 155 projects for AI applications or infrastructure across 65 low- and middle-income countries funded by Chinese official sector institutions and the military worth $4.5 billion.

Global China Data


The dataset captures 20,985 projects across 165 low- and middle-income countries supported by loans and grants from official sector institutions in China worth $1.34 trillion. It tracks projects over 22 commitment years (2000-2021) and provides details on the timing of project implementation over a 24-year period (2000-2023).

Foreign Aid Mapped to the SDGs


Disbursements from 157 DAC and non-DAC donors between 2010 and 2021 as captured by the OECD CRS Database. Aggregated by year, donor, and recipient.

Chinese-financed Port Infrastructure


This dataset tracks 123 seaport projects worth $29.9 billion officially financed by China to construct or expand 78 ports in 46 low-income and middle-income countries from 2000-2021.

Tracking Russian Influence


This dataset covers 14 indicators of domestic civic space health and Russian channels of influence in 17 countries in Eastern Europe & Eurasia (E&E) between 2015-2021.

China's Emergency Rescue Lending


This dataset contains information on China’s international rescue lending operations in 22 countries between 2000 and 2021, as used in the China as an International Lender of Last Resort report.

Financing for BRI-like Projects


This dataset contains 10,849 BRI-tagged projects from AidData’s Global Chinese Development Finance Dataset, Version 2.0.

Listening to Leaders


This dataset aggregates response from a large-scale survey fielded in 2020 to collect feedback from nearly 7,000 policymakers, practitioners and leaders in 141 low- and middle-income countries on development priorities, progress, and donor performance. It is used in the Listening to Leaders 2021 and Aid Reimagined reports.

Chinese Public Diplomacy Activities


This dataset provides a quantitative look into the global public diplomacy activities of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) via 9 indicators in the social, political, informational, and regulatory domains covering varying periods between 1999 and 2021.

Chinese Public Diplomacy Activities


This dataset is composed of first-of-its-kind quantifiable data on People's Republic of China's (PRC) global public diplomacy efforts from a series of AidData's reports and datasets. It includes metrics for five types of public diplomacy (i.e., financial, cultural, elite-to-elite, exchange, informational diplomacy) and PRC technical assistance initiatives. It also includes measures of how China is perceived by leaders in countries that receive its public diplomacy overtures.

Global India Data


This dataset contains 1,196 unique Indian development cooperation projects worth US$14.58 billion geocoded to over 4,000 locations in 169 countries between 2007 and 2014.

Chinese Public Diplomacy Activities


This dataset provides a look into Beijing’s efforts to cultivate economic, social, and network ties with 13 countries in South and Central Asia (SCA) over two decades, as featured in the Corridors of Power report.

Project Evaluations Data


This dataset contains more than 20,000 unique project evaluations, including project ratings, from 12 bilateral and multilateral aid agencies from 1956 and 2016 in 183 recipient countries.

Chinese Public Diplomacy activities


This dataset contains first-of-its-kind quantifiable data on China’s public diplomacy efforts from five of AidData’s reports—Ties That Bind, Influencing the Narrative, Silk Road Diplomacy, Listening to Leaders 2021, and Corridors of Power—that is available through AidData’s China’s Public Diplomacy Dashboard. This includes metrics for five types of public diplomacy: financial, cultural, elite-to-elite, exchange, and informational.

Global China Data


This uniquely granular dataset captures 13,427 development projects worth $843 billion financed by more than 300 Chinese government institutions and state-owned entities across 165 countries in every major region of the world from 2000-2017.

Chinese Public Diplomacy Activities


This dataset contains first-of-its-kind quantifiable data on China’s public diplomacy efforts from three of AidData’s reports—Ties That Bind, Influencing the Narrative, and Silk Road Diplomacy—that is available through AidData’s China’s Public Diplomacy Dashboard. This includes metrics for five types of public diplomacy: financial, cultural, elite-to-elite, exchange, and informational.

Chinese loan contracts


This dataset contains information about 100 loan contracts between Chinese state-owned entities and government borrowers in 24 developing countries in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America, and Oceania.

Chinese Public Diplomacy Activities


This dataset provides an initial quantitative look into China’s public diplomacy activities in the South and Central Asia region between 2000-2018, as featured in the Silk Road Diplomacy report.

U.S.-Kenya Financial Flows


This dataset consolidates data from multiple sources that quantify the financial flow of benefits from the U.S. to Kenya.

SDG11 Data


This dataset contains city data for five countries—Bolivia, Colombia, India, Malaysia, and Sweden—used in our Counting the Costs report to quantify the city-level costs for urban areas to achieve SDG11.

Chinese Public Diplomacy Activities


This dataset is composed of first-of-its-kind quantitative data—on China’s public diplomacy efforts from two of AidData’s reports, Ties That Bind and Influencing the Narrative—that is available through AidData’s China’s Public Diplomacy Dashboard.

Listening to Leaders


This large-scale survey, a sequel of AidData’s 2014 Reform Efforts Survey, collects feedbacks from nearly 3,500 policymakers, practitioners and leaders in 126 low- and middle-income countries on development priorities, progress, use of data and evidence, and donor performance. It is used in the Listening to Leaders 2018 and Decoding Data Use report.

Geocoded China Data


This dataset geolocates Chinese Government-financed projects that were implemented between 2000-2014. It captures 3,485 projects worth $273.6 billion in total official financing. The dataset includes both Chinese aid and non-concessional official financing.

Asian Development Bank Projects


This dataset captures 2,935 georeferenced Asian Development Bank-financed projects in 16,093 locations that took place between 1998 and 2005.

Chinese Public Diplomacy Activities


This dataset provides an initial quantitative look into China’s public diplomacy activities in the East Asia and Pacific region between 2000-2016, as featured in the Ties That Bind report.

Uganda Government Projects


This georeferenced dataset tracks 8,697 locations of 8,335 projects in the health, education, and environment sectors in 2015, extracted from Uganda's Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development.

Uganda Government Projects


This georeferenced dataset tracks 7,068 locations of 6,805 health sector projects in 2015, extracted from Uganda's Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development.

Global Goals Data


This dataset provides project-level data on estimated Official Development Assistance (ODA) commitments to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from 2000 to 2013, tracking more than $1.5 trillion in financing cross-walked to the SDGs from 1.2 million ODA projects in AidData's Core Research Release 3.1.

Global China Data


This dataset tracks the known universe of overseas Chinese official finance between 2000-2014, capturing 4,373 records totaling $354.4 billion. The data includes both Chinese aid and non-concessional official financing. For geolocated data on Chinese project locations, see AidData's Geocoded Global Chinese Official Finance Dataset, Version 1.1.1.

Development projects in Sierra LeonE


This dataset includes geocoded projects from Sierra Leone's Development Assistance Database (DAD). This dataset tracks more than $3.3 billion in commitments for 856 projects across 2,314 locations between 1992 and 2014.

Development projects in Burundi


This dataset includes all geocoded projects in Burundi's Development Assistance Databased (DAD). It tracks more than $5.8 billion in commitments for 930 projects across 7,562 locations between 1988 and 2014.

Geocoded Afrobarometer Surveys


This subnationally geocoded dataset, available via request from Afrobarometer, covers Rounds One through Six of Afrobarometer's surveys in 37 African countries between 1999 and 2015. It provides hyperlocal, time-varying information about the priorities, preferences, experiences, and opinions of more than 200,000 African citizens in 28,000 localities.

World Bank IBRD-IDA Projects


This geocoded dataset includes all projects approved from 1995-2014 in the World Bank IBRD/IDA lending lines. It tracks more than $630 billion in commitments for 5,684 projects across 61,243 locations.

Listening to Leaders


This large-scale survey collects feedback on development priorities, progress and performance from the perspectives of more than 6,000 policymakers, practitioners and leaders in 126 low- and middle-income countries.

Geocoded Chinese Projects in Africa


This is a sub-nationally georeferenced dataset of Chinese official finance activities that spans 50 African countries over the 2000-2012 period. It includes 1,952 Chinese development finance projects across 3,545 physical locations.

Chinese Projects in Ecological Hotspots


This sub-nationally georeferenced dataset of Chinese official finance activities between 2000 and 2014 tracks $149,159,306,133.72 of commitments in three ecologically sensitive regions -- the Tropical Andes in South America, the Great Lakes of Africa, and the Mekong Delta in Southeast Asia.

Geocoded Natural Resource Concessions in Liberia


This first-of-its-kind geocoded dataset contains all known natural resource concessions granted to investors in Liberia from 2004 to 2015, categorized on 43 different dimensions. The release contains 557 concession licenses sourced from both official systems and transparency initiatives in Liberia, along with additional information collected using AidData's TUFF open-source data collection methodology.

AidData Research Release


AidData's Core Research Release 3.1 is a corrected snapshot of AidData's entire project-level database from April 2016. This database includes commitment information for over 1.5 million development finance activities funded between 1947 and 2013, covers 96 donors, and includes ODA, OOF flows, Equity Investments, and Export Credits where available.

2013 UNOCHA Projects in Central African Republic


This dataset contains all geocoded projects in the 2013 funding appeal from UNOCHA's Financial Tracking Service (FTS) 'Central African Republic 2013' source dataset. It tracks $102,801,363.00 in geocoded disbursements spread across 179 geocoded projects in 445 locations.

Geocoded natural disasters in the philippines


This geocoded dataset represents all natural disaster records in EM-DAT's database for the Philippines between 1980 and 2012. The "disasters.csv" file contains 421 records pertaining to individual disasters, and the "locations.csv" file contains 1815 location records that relate (many to one) to corresponding records in the "disasters.csv" file.

2015 Nepal Earthquake Response


This geocoded dataset release represents all projects in UNOCHA's 2015 flash appeal for the Nepal earthquake available from the Financial Tracking Service (FTS) at as of February 19, 2016. It tracks $280,218,108.00 in geocoded disbursements spread across 156 projects in 852 locations during 2015.

AidData Research Release


AidData's Core Research Release 3.0 is a snapshot of the AidData's entire project-level database from April 2016. This database includes commitment information for over 1.5 million development finance activities funded between 1947 and 2013, covers 96 donors, and includes ODA, OOF flows, Equity Investments, and Export Credits where available.

Development projects in Timor-Leste


This dataset includes all geocoded projects from Timor-Leste's Aid Management Platform (AMP). It tracks more than $1.5 billion in commitments for 499 projects across 3,506 locations between 1998 and 2015.

Development projects in Honduras


This dataset includes all geocoded projects in Honduras's Aid Management Platform (AMP). It tracks over $3 billion in commitments for 379 projects across 5,028 locations between 1995 and 2014.

Development Projects in Senegal


This dataset includes all geocoded projects from Senegal's Aid Management Platform (AMP). It tracks more than $7.2 billion in commitments for 856 projects across 2,314 locations between 1992 and 2014.

Development projects in Uganda


This dataset includes all geocoded projects from Uganda's Aid Management Platform (AMP). It tracks more than $12 billion in commitments for 565 geocoded projects across 2,426 locations between 1978 and 2014.

Development projects in Nepal


This dataset includes all geocoded projects from Nepal's Aid Management Platform (AMP). It tracks over $5.9 billion in commitments for 475 projects across 20,952 locations between 1997 and 2014.

Development Projects in Colombia


This dataset includes all geocoded projects in Colombia's Aid Information Management System (AIMS). It tracks over $800 million in commitments for 665 projects across 2,981 locations between 1994 and 2014.

Development projects in Iraq


This dataset includes all external assistance projects in Iraq's Development Assistance Database (DAD). It tracks over $10 billion in commitments for 1,324 projects across 3,624 locations between 2002 and 2014.

Development projects in Nigeria


This dataset includes all geocoded projects from Nigeria's Development Assistance Database (DAD). This dataset tracks more than $2.1 billion in commitments for 595 projects across 1,843 locations between 1988 and 2014.

Development projects in the DRC


This dataset includes all geocoded projects in the DRC's Aid Management Platform (AMP). It tracks over $4 billion in commitments for 256 projects across 1,750 locations between 1998 and 2014.

Development projects in Bangladesh


This geocoded dataset release represents projects that were active in Bangladesh in 2014 from 9 select donors: USAID, JICA, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, EU, India, UNDP, Islamic Development Bank, DfID. It tracks 288 geocoded projects across 3641 locations and $18,924,503,171.06 in geocoded commitments between 2000 and 2015.

Development Projects in Somalia


This geocoded dataset includes all external assistance projects in Somalia's Development Assistance Database (DAD). This dataset tracks more than $2.3 billion in commitments for 1,210 projects across 3,130 locations between 2000 and 2014.

Chinese Projects in Africa


The 1.2 version of AidData's Chinese Official Finance to Africa Dataset tracks 2,647 development finance activities in Africa from 2000 to 2013. The data includes both Chinese aid and non-concessional official financing.

World Bank Aid


Gross disbursements of World Bank loans and grants in constant 2011 USD, based on raw data from the World Bank's project website. The data is not geocoded, but includes projects that are geocoded in AidData's World Bank Geocoded Research Release, Version 1.4.2.

Multi-Bi Aid Data


This project-level dataset of multi-bi aid (earmarked voluntary contributions or non-core multilateral aid) to multilateral organizations spans all OECD/DAC donors over the 1990-2012 period. It includes more than 100,000 multi-bi aid activities that are hand-coded for their channel of implementation and earmarking depth.

Development Cooperation from Saudi Arabia


This dataset systematically covers aid flows from 227 Saudi Arabian projects to 17 recipients across the Middle East and Africa from 2010-2013. It includes both official development aid (ODA) as well as non-concessional lending and Other Official Flows (OOF) from official and semi-official government agencies and officials within Saudi Arabia.

Development Cooperation from Qatar


This dataset systematically covers aid flows from 136 Qatari projects to 13 recipients across the Middle East and Africa from 2010-2013. It includes both official development aid (ODA) as well as non-concessional lending and Other Official Flows (OOF) from official and semi-official government agencies and officials within Qatar.

Chinese Projects in Africa


The 1.1 version of AidData's Chinese Official Finance to Africa dataset tracks 1,955 development finance activities in Africa from 2000 to 2012. The data includes both Chinese aid and non-concessional official financing.

Chinese Projects in Africa


The 1.0 version of AidData's Chinese Official Finance to Africa dataset tracks 1699 development finance activities in Africa from 2000 to 2011. The data includes both Chinese aid and non-concessional official financing.

Aid Locations during Civil Wars South of the Sahara


This dataset contains data for aid project locations in South-of-Sahara nations that experienced conflict between 1989 and 2008.

Project Level Aid Information Database


Development projects in Malawi


This dataset contains geocoded aid locations from 30 donor agencies in the Malawi Ministry of Finance's Aid Management Platform. The data include US$5.3 billion in commitments, representing approximately 80% of all external funding reported to the Malawi Ministry of Finance since 2000.

AidData Research Release


AidData's Research Release 2.1 is a snapshot of the AidData's entire project-level database from February 2012. This database includes over 1 million aid activities funded by more than 80 donors from the 1940s to present. For detailed information about this data set, see the AidData User's Guide.

Taiwanese Lending and Investment Projects


Provided by the Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund (TaiwanICDF), this table provides detailed descriptive and financial information about Taiwan's development-oriented lending and investment projects since 1991. These 68 projects have been integrated into AidData, and have received AidData sector and activity codes.

Development Cooperation from Brazil


This raw dataset contains records in Portuguese for Brazil's South-South cooperation projects from 2005 to 2011, provided by Agência Brasileira de Cooperação.

Lichenstein's Development Cooperation


These 895 records were gathered from the annual reports of the Liechtenstein Development Service. This dataset has AidData sector and activity codes applied, and is formatted and translated into English.

Lithuanian Development Cooperation


These 73 project records were gathered from the 2009 project list released by the Development Cooperation and Democracy Promotion Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They are provided with Lithuanian descriptive information, automatically translated English descriptive information and commitment amounts in Lithuanian Litas.

USAID Project Descriptions (no financial information)


This dataset draws information from a public USAID database and was web-scraped and audited by AidData. It includes expanded project descriptions for 6659 projects. AidData sector and activity codes have also been applied. Funding amounts are not included in this dataset.

Development Cooperation from Cyprus (No Financial Information)


This dataset is comprised of donor-provided financial information complemented by descriptive information from the public domain for 27 cooperation projects funded or co-funded by the government of Cyprus. It contains a list of scholarships provided by the Development Cooperation of Cyprus (without financial information).

World Bank Mapping for Results


This geocoded dataset contains nearly 2,500 active World Bank projects in over 30,000 locations across 144 countries that were approved between 1997 and 2011.

African Development Bank Projects


This dataset contains all African Development Bank activities approved in 2009-2010. In total, there are 183 projects worth over $15 billion in total funding, working in nearly 2,000 locations across 43 African countries. The work was featured in the AfDB's 2011 Annual Development Effectiveness Review.

Israeli Technical Cooperation


This document contains descriptive information for 25 technical cooperation projects by Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation (MASHAV), which are also included in the AidData database. Financial information was not provided for these projects.

Development cooperation from the Czech Republic


These 1,274 records provided by the Czech Development Agency (CzDA) have financial and descriptive information, as well as unique project IDs. They have been translated, screened, and coded by AidData staff.

EBRD Project Database (Fall 2009)


This dataset of 1,513 projects draws information from a public EBRD database as of December 2009. The dataset includes financial information, environmental impact, and other project information as well as links to the original source for each project.

Canadian Development cooperation


This dataset of 2,740 projects draws information from a public DFATD database as of March 2009. The dataset includes financial information, information on executing agencies, sectors, and project abstracts, as well as links to the original source for each project.

Korea KOICA-financed Development Cooperation


Information for this dataset was pulled from a publicly available KOICA database in February of 2009. It includes 29,549 KOICA projects covering 1991-2007 and totaling nearly $1.5 billion in commitments. AidData sector and activity codes have been applied.