New 2010 OECD CRS Data Imported Into AidData web portal

The new data include some new donors, new data fields, and new purpose codes. Below is a brief summary the new CRS and how it is reflected in the AidData web portal.

October 16, 2012
Robert Mosolgo

AidData seeks to provide accurate and comprehensive data on development finance flows. As such, we are very pleased to announce the addition of the 2010 data from the OECD Creditor Reporting System (CRS) to the AidData data portal.

For DAC donors and some other CRS-reporting agencies, AidData collects data from the CRS. The OECD is the official source for official development assistance (ODA) from the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) donors countries on the OECD’s ODA recipient list. CRS data are released on a periodic cycle, and AidData recently finished importing this year’s finalized data, which covers flows from 2010. The new data include some new donors, new data fields, and new purpose codes. Below is a brief summary the new CRS and how it is reflected in the AidData web portal.

New to the CRS


This summer, several new donors reported to the CRS:

·       Kuwait (only the Kuwait Fund (KFAED) and grants they implement on behalf of the Government)

·       Islamic Development Bank

·       Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD)

·       UN Peacebuilding Fund (UNPBF)

·       UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)

UNPBF and UNRWA also reported some historical commitments – back to 2007 and 2005, respectively.

Purpose Codes

The OECD also added several  new purpose codes:

·       14021: Water supply - large systems

·       14022: Sanitation - large systems

·       14031: Basic drinking water supply

·       14032: Basic sanitation

Data Fields

This summer’s publication also included a few new data fields:

·       Climate Change Adaptation Marker (Rio Marker [Link:])

·       Commitment, original currency

·       Disbursement, original currency

·       Original currency (numeric code [link:])

New CRS Data in the Web Portal


For donors that were new to AidData (UNRWA, UNPBF), AidData has imported new commitments from the OECD CRS. AidData only imports commitments, as  they are more consistently reported across donors and years.

For donors that were not new to AidData (Kuwait, AFESD, Islamic Development Bank), AidData has not published CRS data through the portal. Instead, annual report data are published as these offer more historical coverage, and in some cases, offer more detailed descriptions of activities. AidData is exploring options for using CRS and annual report data in complement, but for the time being, mixing and matching introduces many double-counting risks. If you have experience combining data sources in this way, we would welcome your comments below, or at

Purpose codes

The new purpose codes are stored in the data field crs_purpose_code, but they have not been added to AidData’s activity coding scheme (originally derived from CRS purpose codes, because AidData sector codes already capture these more granular purposes:

CRS Purpose Code

AidData Purpose and Activity Codes

     - 14021: Water supply - large systems

     - 14022: Sanitation - large systems

     - 14031: Basic drinking water supply

         - 14032: Basic sanitation

  - 14020: Water supply and sanitation – large systems

o   14020.01: Water supply and sanitation - large systems, activity unspecified

o   14020.02: Water desalination plants

o   14020.03: Sewerage

o   14020.04: Large systems, water facilities, infrastructure

o   14020.05: Waste water treatment plants

o   14020.05: Water supply assessments and studies

  - 14030: Basic drinking water supply and basic sanitation

o   14030.01: Basic drinking water supply and basic sanitation, activity unspecified

o   14030.02: Basic water supply, low-cost technologies

o   14030.03: Small system sewerage

Data Fields

We did not import these new data fields this year, but plan to do so during next year’s data import.

Robert Mosolgo is a Project Manager at AidData. He oversees data management, standardization and quality assurance. He is part of a team at the College of William and Mary, Development Gateway, and Brigham Young University that works closely with partners, including the OECD and non-DAC donors, to provide timely and accurate data on development finance flows. If you have any further questions or concerns, drop us a line