Journal Article

AidData’s Geospatial Global Chinese Development Finance Dataset

Date Published

Jun 11, 2024


Seth Goodman, Sheng Zhang, Ammar A. Malik, Bradley C. Parks & Jacob Hall


Scientific Data


Goodman, S., Zhang, S., Malik, A.A., Parks, B.C., Hall, J. (2024). AidData’s Geospatial Global Chinese Development Finance Dataset. Scientific Data 11, 529.


AidData’s Global Chinese Development Finance Dataset (Version 3.0) provides detailed information about more than 20,000 development projects across 165 low- and middle-income countries financed by 791 official sector Chinese donors and lenders from 2000 to 2021. In this study, we introduce a methodology for identifying the geospatial features of these projects. Our application of the methodology has resulted in the Geospatial Global Chinese Development Finance Dataset (Version 3.0), which captures the geospatial features of 9,405 projects across 148 low- and middle-income countries supported by Chinese grant and loan commitments worth more than USD 830 billion. The dataset provides details for 6,266 projects containing spatial definitions of roads, railways, power plants, transmission lines, buildings, and other precisely geocoded features. It identifies approximate and administrative-level locations for 3,139 additional projects. The methodology, dataset, and the code used to construct the dataset have been made publicly available to facilitate replication and future applications.

Featured Authors

Seth Goodman
Research & Evaluation

Seth Goodman

Research Scientist

Sheng Zhang
China Development Finance

Sheng Zhang

Research Analyst

Ammar A. Malik
China Development Finance

Ammar A. Malik

Senior Research Scientist, Director of Tracking Underreported Financial Flows

Bradley C. Parks

Bradley C. Parks

Executive Director

Jacob Hall
Research & Evaluation

Jacob Hall

Data Analyst

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