Financing Agenda 2030: Are donors missing the mark on the Sustainable Development Goals?
Date Published
Sep 20, 2023
Bryan Burgess, John Custer, Samantha Custer
Burgess, B., Custer, J., and S. Custer. 2023. Financing Agenda 2030: Are international aid donors missing the mark on the Sustainable Development Goals? Williamsburg, VA: AidData at William & Mary.
To realize Agenda 2030, aid agencies, private philanthropies, and their partners in the Global South need better data to monitor how official development finance (ODF) dollars advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and avoid missing the mark. In this report, we summarize the results of a novel effort to tag and analyze 2.7 million ODF projects between 2010-2021 using machine learning to understand their contributions to the SDG thematic areas at a goal and target level. This time frame is instructive: it compares the last six years of the Millennium Development Goals era and the first six years of the new SDG age, from early optimism to later uncertainty about the resilience of the agenda to drive collective commitments amid unanticipated global shocks.