Lauren Harrison

Data & Policy Analysis Consultant

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Lauren has consulted for AidData on data and policy analysis since 2016, and currently works as an Overseas Development Institute (ODI) Fellow in Rwanda. She previously served as a Junior Program Manager at AidData from 2014-2016, and worked as a student Research Assistant at AidData from 2013-2014 while an undergraduate at William & Mary. She conducted an open source data audit to identify key datasets on HIV/AIDS risk factors in Zambia and Uganda for a DREAMS partnership grant, which aims to improve access to HIV/AIDS prevention and care to women and girls in sub-Saharan Africa. She has also quality-assured and analyzed non-DAC development finance data, with an emphasis on GCC donors. Lauren holds an MSc in International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies from the London School of Economics, and a BA in Economics from William & Mary.

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