For partnership inquiries, contact:

Alex Wooley
Director of Partnerships and Communications
AidData is a research lab at William & Mary's Global Research Institute of over 35 faculty and staff with a track record of successfully managing more than 140 grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements worth more than $85 million over the last 20 years.
Our current and recent institutional partners and funders include government and multilateral agencies, private foundations, businesses, think tanks, and civil society organizations from around the world. We also work with an exceptional group of individual scholars who contribute to our research initiatives. We proactively seek opportunities to partner with others who are equally committed to using cutting-edge data and analysis to disrupt business as usual.
From 2012 to 2022, we were a member of USAID's Higher Educations Solutions Network (HESN) through the AidData Center for Development Policy, a partnership of William & Mary, Brigham Young University, the University of Texas-Austin, and Esri. During the ten-year implementation period, AidData forged 38 different projects and partnerships with over a dozen USAID Missions and Bureaus to conduct geospatial data collection, research, and capacity-building activities worth more than $36 million.