About GeoQuery / Documentation
Documentation & Use Cases
Documentation and uses of GeoQuery from around the world—including powerpoints, PDFs, tools and uses from other practitioners.
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Use Cases
Goodman, S., BenYishay, A., Runfola, D., 2017. GeoQuery: Dynamic High Performance Computation for the Retrieval of Arbitrary Spatial Data. Summary Available online at http://www.geoquery.org/. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28363.59686
Marty, R., Goodman, S., LeFew, M., BenYishay, A., Runfola, D. 2016. GeoSIMEX: A R Package for Estimating Parameters in Linear Models incorporating Spatial Imprecision. https://github.com/itpir/geoSIMEX
Runfola, D., Lv, Miranda, BenYishay, A., 2017. GeoMatch: A R Package for Propensity-Score Matching in Conditions of Intervention Spillover. https://github.com/itpir/geoMatch
Mo Ibrahim Foundation. Ibrahim Forum Report: Public Service in Africa. 2018.
World Bank Group - Macroeconomics & Fiscal Management. Myanmar Economic Monitor, October 2017.
Batra, G., Anand, A., Goodman, S., BenYishay, A., Nyoteshwar, J., Runfola, D., 2017. A Value for Money Analysis of GEF Interventions in Land Degradation and Biodiversity, http://www.gefieo.org/evaluations/value-money-analysis-gef-interventions-land-degradation-and-biodiversity
Runfola, D.M., BenYishay, A., Buchanan, G., Nagol, J., Tanner, J., Environmental Impact of World Bank Projects: A Case Study of Integrating Value for Money Analysis into Impact Evaluations. What Works? Value for Money in Impact Evaluations. Independent Evaluation Group, the World Bank.
Overseas Development Institute (ODI). Aid allocation within countries: Does it go to areas left behind? July 2017.
Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys (EBA). Geospatial analysis of aid: A new approach to aid evaluation. 2017. Isaksson, Ann-Sofie.
Academic Publications:
BenYishay, A., Heuser, S., Runfola, D.M., Trichler, R. 2017. Indigenous land rights and deforestation: Evidence from the Brazilian Amazon. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeem.2017.07.008
Runfola, D.M., Napier, A., 2016. “Migration, climate, and international aid: examining evidence of satellite, aid, and micro-census data.” Migration and Development.
Zhao, J., Kemper, P., Runfola, D., 2017. Quantifying Heterogeneous Causal Treatment Effects in World Bank Development Finance Projects. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (ECML PKDD). http://ecmlpkdd2017.ijs.si/papers/paperID507.pdf
Runfola, D., Ariel BenYishay, Jeffery Tanner, Graeme Buchanan, Jyoteshwar Nagol, Matthias Leu, Seth Goodman, Rachel Trichler and Robert Marty. 2017. A Top-Down Approach to Estimating Spatially Heterogeneous Impacts of Development Aid on Vegetative Carbon Sequestration. Sustainability 9(3), 409. doi:10.3390/su9030409. http://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/9/3/409.
Zhao, J., Runfola, D., Kemper, P. 2017. Simulation Study in Quantifying Heterogeneous Causal Effects. WSC Proceedings. Available online at: http://informs-sim.org/wsc17papers/
Marty, R., Dolan, C., Leu, M., Runfola, D. 2017. Taking the Health Aid Debate to the Sub-National Level: The Impact and Allocation of Foreign Health Aid in Malawi. BMJ Global Health. DOI: 10.1136/bmjgh-2016-000129.
Juha Uitto, Geeta Batra, Anupam Anand, Runfola, D., Ariel BenYishay and Jyothy Nagol, Geospatial Impact Evaluation and Valuation of Land Degradation Projects, World Bank Land and Poverty Conference, Spring 2017
Democracy Digest. Development and governance key to national security. 2017. https://www.demdigest.org/cutting-soft-power-undermines-cve-national-security-imperatives/
Learning as a Global Community: The Potential of Spatial Data in Development. Geospatial Day, World Bank, Fall 2017. Runfola, D.
High Performance Computation for Everyone: Introducing GeoQuery. GeoComputation, Leeds, UK, Fall 2017. Goodman, S., Lv, M., Runfola, D.
LeFew, M., Marty, R., Goodman, S., Runfola, D., A. Modeling Geographic Uncertainty in Aid Allocation for Linear Causal Inference, Association of American Geographers, April 2017.
YouthMappers. Introducing GeoQuery, Grace Grimsley, Nov 2017.
Virginia ACCORD Project. 2018. Science Use Cases.