This dataset provides a quantitative look into the global public diplomacy activities of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The indicators listed in this dataset are meant to provide a broad-brush look at quantifying how the PRC uses non-financial tools to garner influence among leaders and citizens in countries around the world.
The purpose of this project was to capture illustrative proxy indicators of the tools, reach, and influence of the PRC’s public diplomacy overtures. Prepared by AidData, a research lab at William & Mary’s Global Research Institute, the dataset creation was funded through a buy-in to the USAID/DDI/ITR Higher Education Solutions Network (HESN) cooperative agreement (AID-A-12-00096). The resulting dataset consists of variables collected from an array of sources and methods, including primary data collection carried out by AidData as well as extending existing measures pioneered by previous research. The public diplomacy activities include indicators in the social, political, informational, and regulatory domains.
This dataset is also accessible via AidData’s China Global Public Diplomacy Dashboard.