AidData's Core Research Release 3.1 is a corrected snapshot of AidData's entire project-level database from April 2016. This database includes commitment information for over 1.5 million development finance activities funded between 1947 and 2013, covers 96 donors, and includes ODA, OOF flows, Equity Investments, and Export Credits where available.
Official Citation
Tierney, Michael J., Daniel L. Nielson, Darren G. Hawkins, J. Timmons Roberts, Michael G. Findley, Ryan M. Powers, Bradley Parks, Sven E. Wilson, and Robert L. Hicks. 2011. More Dollars than Sense: Refining Our Knowledge of Development Finance Using AidData. World Development 39 (11): 1891-1906.
Updated in: AidData. 2017. AidDataCore_ResearchRelease_Level1_v3.1 Research Releases dataset. Williamsburg, VA: AidData. Accessed on [date].
Please note: both sources should be used as the official citation for the 3.1 research release.
Date Published