AidData Research Release

AidData Core Research Release, Version 3.1



AidData's Core Research Release 3.1 is a corrected snapshot of AidData's entire project-level database from April 2016. This database includes commitment information for over 1.5 million development finance activities funded between 1947 and 2013, covers 96 donors, and includes ODA, OOF flows, Equity Investments, and Export Credits where available.

Official Citation

Tierney, Michael J., Daniel L. Nielson, Darren G. Hawkins, J. Timmons Roberts, Michael G. Findley, Ryan M. Powers, Bradley Parks, Sven E. Wilson, and Robert L. Hicks. 2011.   More Dollars than Sense: Refining Our Knowledge of Development Finance Using AidData. World Development 39 (11): 1891-1906.

Updated in: AidData. 2017. AidDataCore_ResearchRelease_Level1_v3.1 Research Releases dataset. Williamsburg, VA: AidData. Accessed on [date].

Please note: both sources should be used as the official citation for the 3.1 research release.

Date Published

October 1, 2016

Full Description

AidData’s Core Research Release Version 3.1 provides a few fixes to the AidData Core Research Release 3.0. No new data has been added, but the following changes have been made:

  • This version of AidData's Core Research Release eliminates activity codes for 363,265 projects. This action was taken in response to an internal review, which revealed that these codes were incorrectly applied during an internal data migration exercise. This version also reapplies a corrected set of activity codes to 71,176 (of the 363,265) projects that were identified as having incorrect activity codes.
  • We have added a column providing the commitment amount of the projects in current USD, which will allow users to do their own deflation calculations if they wish.
  • We have removed a duplicate “finance_t” column in the dataset.

As with the 3.0 release, this dataset represents the most comprehensive project-level data tracking international development finance. The base of the Research Release is all core data exported from the AidData Portal at The Research Release serves as 1) a time-stamped version of AidData’s core data, which allows users and researchers to replicate their research results, and 2) a version of the data that is provided in a flat-table structure, allowing for users and researchers to analyze annual commitments more easily. This dataset was developed by AidData with the support of AidData’s core funders, including the Hewlett Foundation.

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