Leader Perceptions of China's BRI

2023 Perceptions of Chinese Overseas Development Survey Data Aggregates, Version 1.0



This dataset contains results from AidData's "BRI Perceptions Survey," the first to systematically capture perceptions of China's Belt and Road Initiative from leaders who make and shape development policy across the Global South. It provides weighted aggregate results globally for selected questions and with limited disaggregation across 5 geographic regions and autocracies versus democracies.

Official Citation

Please cite this dataset using the following citation:

Custer, S., Horigoshi, A., and K. Marshall. (2024). BRI from the Ground Up: Leaders from 129 countries evaluate a decade of Beijing’s signature initiative. Williamsburg, VA: AidData at William & Mary.

Date Published

March 26, 2024

Full Description

AidData’s 2022-2023 Perceptions of Chinese Overseas Development Survey (hereafter BRI Perceptions Survey) took the pulse of government, civil society, and private sector leaders from 129 low- and middle-income countries to understand how they view the costs, benefits, and outcomes of PRC-financed development projects. Respondents came from 23 policy areas of expertise. Of 51,122 individuals who received our email invitation, 1,650 participated, for a response rate of 3.2 percent. To our knowledge, this is the first survey to systematically capture perceptions of the BRI comparably among those who make and shape development policy across the Global South. This survey was analyzed in an accompanying report, BRI From the Ground Up: Leaders from 129 countries evaluate a decade of Beijing’s signature initiative.

This dataset provides the weighted aggregate results of the BRI Perceptions Survey globally for selected questions and with limited disaggregation across 5 geographic regions and respondents from democratic versus autocratic countries (in some cases). More information on the sampling frame, sample, survey implementation, and use of non-response weighting is provided in the brief methodological notes and also in the full report. AidData collects additional demographic information about our survey participants, however, this information is restricted from public release in order to protect respondent anonymity. For any questions about the data, the report, or other related inquiries, please write to info@aidata.org.

Data Coverage 

Scope: Global survey responses from 1,650 public, private, and civil society leaders to selected questions, reported as global aggregates and with limited disaggregation by geographic region and (in some cases) regime type

Geographic Coverage: 129 low- and middle-income countries and semi-autonomous territories

Survey fielding: The survey was fielded on a rolling base by region via Qualtrics between July 2022 and April 2023.

Respondents: Of the 51,122 individuals who received our email invitation, 1,650 participated, for an overall response rate of 3.2 percent. 

Survey Questions: 22 included in the dataset.

Weighting: Non-response weights, as set by AidData and elaborated in the methodological notes, were applied in constructing the aggregates

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