Announcing the AidData 2.1 Research Release

Research releases are static snapshots of the AidData web portal. They are provided for users who wish to replicate the complete dataset for research, analysis or other uses.

February 19, 2013
Robert Mosolgo

At AidData we're pleased to announce an updated research release available for download. Research releases are static snapshots of the AidData web portal. They are provided for users who wish to replicate the complete dataset for research, analysis or other uses. If you're looking to use all of the data provided by AidData, downloading a research release is faster and easier than downloading the entire data set through the search form.

What's new in Research Release 2.1

ISO-2 Country Codes

  -  Donor ISO2 code as “donor_iso2”

  -  Recipient ISO2 code as “recipient_iso2”

Updated data from the OECD CRS

The OECD CRS is the official source for official development assistance for the Development Assistance Committee countries as well as several other countries and organizations. AidData 2.1 includes data for 2010 for DAC donors and several other CRS reporters that have been available in the AidData search since last year, but not previously available in the research release.

New data from other sources

AidData 2.1 includes updates, improved sources, and more historical data for several donors:

  -  African Development Bank (1967-1969)

  -  Andean Development Corporation (2009-2010)

  -  Asian Development Bank (2010)

  -  Asian Development Fund (2010)

  -  Brazil (2010)

  -  Caribbean Development Bank (2010)

  -  Chile (2009-2010)

  -  Colombia (2010)

  -  Cyprus (2005-2011)

  -  Czech Republic (1996-2009)

  -  Inter-American Development Bank (2008)

  -  International Fund for Agricultural Development (2010)

  -  International Monetary Fund (2010-2012)

  -  Lithuania (2009)

  -  Nordic Development Fund(1989, 2009-2010)

  -  Romania (2007-2009)

  -  Saudi Arabia (2011)

  -  Slovenia (2010)

  -  South Africa (2009)

  -  Taiwan (New data source, covering 2007-2011)

  -  Thailand (2008-2010)

  -  United Arab Emirates (1972-1973)

AidData 2.1 Research Release: Formats

The new data set is available in several different ways:

AidData 2.1 Research Release, full version

  -  99 variables, 1,168,368 observations

  -  Available as CSV, tab-delimited text, SQL create and inserts, and PostgreSQL COPY.

AidData 2.1 Research Release, thin version

  -  6 variables, 1,168,368 observations

  -  Variables are: AidData ID, year, donor, recipient, commitment_amount_usd_constant, and coalesced_purpose_code (which combines AidData purpose codes and CRS purpose codes into one column)

  -  Available as CSV and tab-delimited text.

AidData 2.1 Research Release, Recent Data Only (1996-present)

  -  99 variables, 1,000,918 observations

  -  Available as CSV and tab-delimited text

AidData 2.1 Research Release, Non-OECD Data Only

  -  99 variables, 61,112 observations

  -  Available as CSV, Excel xlsx and tab-delimited text

AidData 2.1 Aggregate, by donor, recipient and year

  -  11 variables, 89,171 observations

  -  Includes donor name, donor ISO3, donor ISO2, recipient name, recipient ISO3, recipient ISO2, year, commitment (USD-2009), disbursement (USD-2009), total project cost (USD-2009) and record count (ie, number of records comprising the aggregate figure).

  -  Available as CSV and tab-delimited text

AidData 2.1 Aggregate, by donor, recipient, year and purpose

  -  12 variables, 569,747 observations

  -  Includes donor name, donor ISO3, donor ISO2, recipient name, recipient ISO3, recipient ISO2, year, coalesced purpose code (which combines AidData purpose and CRS purpose), commitment (USD-2009), disbursement (USD-2009), total project cost (USD-2009) and record count (ie, number of records comprising the aggregate figure).

  -  Available as CSV and tab-delimited text


Check out the new AidData 2.1 research release, or any number of other datasets hosted by AidData, on the research datasets page. You can also read the 2.1 research release note here. Send us an email at if you have any questions and/or concerns about the new release.

Robert Mosolgo is a Project Manager at AidData. He oversees data management, standardization and quality assurance.